Elif Wilk
This is a wonderful group of people promoting our town of Martinsville. We have so much to offer hear, a small town with big city infrastructure that comes from our history of manufacturing furniture and textiles. Martinsville used to have the highest per capita income in the country a few years ago but now that our economy has shifted from "Made in America" to elsewhere we have suffered the consequences. However, we have been developing new venues of growth and are an economically viable community with lots of great people that make it a wonderful place to live. #MovetoMartinsville We love it here and so will you!
Gael Marshall Chaney
We are a friendly town with lots of cultural and recreational opportunities, a mild 4-season climate, low traffic, and very affordable housing.
Jennifer Collins Nease
Great place to raise a family! Martinsville's location and cost of living are 2 of the many benefits of living here. We have 4 true seasons and are a short drive to the mountains or the coast. Always something to do for all ages!
Tonya Beaumier
The people, the cost of living, the beauty...what's not to love about Martinsville!!!
Tim Martin
Beautiful homes! Great folks and helpful! Make a difference!