News Articles
A great story on how you can grow a technology business in the Martinsville area
November 30, 2019
A great story on how you can grow a technology business in the Martinsville area. Movetomartinsville has partnered with Momenta to bring you our story.
Thanksgiving to All, from Martinsville
November 28, 2019
Thanksgiving to All, from Martinsville. You're going to like it here!
It's not just us that know it others see it too
November 25, 2019
It's not just us that know it others see it too. Martinsville is great place to visit and live! Movetomartinsville
Just an hour away from the Martinsville area
November 24, 2019
Just an hour away from the Martinsville area. Visit both
Blue Ridge airport is a great asset in the area, and getting better
November 22, 2019
Blue Ridge airport is a great asset in the area, and getting better. Easy to get here and there!
Plenty of water activities in the Martinsville area
November 21, 2019
Plenty of water activities in the Martinsville area
Natural and Historical Beauty are assets of our area, as well as 4 seasons
November 20, 2019
Natural and Historical Beauty are assets of our area, as well as 4 seasons.
Another resource for our community
November 19, 2019
Another resource for our community. There are all sorts of opportunities here.
Quality of Life is an asset of the Martinsville area
November 19, 2019
Quality of Life is an asset of the Martinsville area. Plenty of beautiful land to share. No congestion on this commute !
Looking for a good reason to visit the Martinsville area ...
November 15, 2019
Looking for a good reason to visit the Martinsville area, save the dates for Rooster Walk music festival! Visit and Move to Martinsville
Harvest Foundation commitment to education in Martinsville area
November 14, 2019
Harvest Foundation commitment to education in Martinsville area
Looking for a good run; see you in Martinsville
November 13, 2019
Looking for a good run; see you in Martinsville.
A good restaurant slightly off the beaten path
November 11, 2019
A good restaurant slightly off the beaten path. Support our local restaurants
The Arts are an important asset for the Martinsville area
November 9, 2019
The Arts are an important asset for the Martinsville area
Another unique technology asset here in Martinsville
November 7, 2019
Another unique technology asset here in Martinsville. "Build it and they will come"
Quality of Life asset in the Martinsville area
November 6, 2019
Quality of Life asset in the Martinsville area. Chatmoss is a great deal compared to country clubs in higher cost areas.
Partnerships are important NCI and PHCC are building a stronger relationship to help area move ...
November 4, 2019
Partnerships are important NCI and PHCC are building a stronger relationship to help area move forward.
Plenty of convenient outdoor activities available in the Martinsville area
November 4, 2019
Plenty of convenient outdoor activities available in the Martinsville area. The Dick and Willie Rail Trail is a great asset in the area.