News Articles
Bring in the New Year with a hike at the Fairy Stone Dam & Spillway!3
December 29, 2021
Bring in the New Year with a hike at the Fairy Stone Dam & Spillway! #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
A local blog with a similar mission; Promoting area assets in hopes of attracting folks to our ...4
December 26, 2021
A local blog with a similar mission; Promoting area assets in hopes of attracting folks to our community. movetomartinsvilleva.com #martinsvillelife
Well said and offered, Mountain Valley Brewery Wishing everyone a better 2022 than 2021!5
December 22, 2021
Well said and offered, Mountain Valley Brewery Wishing everyone a better 2022 than 2021! Hope to see you here! movetomartinsvilleva.com #martinsvillelife #MoveToMartinsville
There are a lot of good folks working to revitalize the area and Uptown Get involved ...6
December 17, 2021
There are a lot of good folks working to revitalize the area and Uptown Get involved, participate, and support the efforts! movetomartinsvilleva.com #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Supporting our Artisan community and Uptown at the same time7
December 15, 2021
Supporting our Artisan community and Uptown at the same time.
Jobs are available here8
December 14, 2021
Jobs are available here. Quality of Life is great here Cost of living is lower here. Now is the time to move here.
Plenty of cool stuff, to do here! Movetomartinsvilleva9
December 12, 2021
Plenty of cool stuff, to do here! Movetomartinsvilleva.com #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Move to Martinsville supports the efforts of NCI ...10
December 12, 2021
Move to Martinsville supports the efforts of NCI, and has worked with them on a couple of their projects. It is an asset in our asset, and deserves our community support.
Consider Uptown Martinsville for that idea, you've always thought about, but never tried it!11
December 8, 2021
Consider Uptown Martinsville for that idea, you've always thought about, but never tried it! movetomartinsvilleva.com #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
We look forward to bringing LIVE music back to Uptown Martinsville in 2022!12
December 8, 2021
We look forward to bringing LIVE music back to Uptown Martinsville in 2022! We are excited about our partnership with TheatreWorks Community Players! Stay tuned for more details! #MartinsvilleLife #MovetoMartinsville
Small town quality of life, and cost of living, with Easy access to Metropolitan conveniences13
December 5, 2021
Small town quality of life, and cost of living, with Easy access to Metropolitan conveniences. movetomartinsvilleva.com #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Of all of the cities and towns, why should you select Martinsville as your next home?14
December 3, 2021
Of all of the cities and towns, why should you select Martinsville as your next home? First of all, living in larger cities often carries a higher cost of living and greater levels of stress. A #MoveToMartinsville can offer you the money-saving solutions and a better quality of life that you ...
Move to Martinsville is proud to partner with Theater Works to develop this new music series in ...15
December 2, 2021
Move to Martinsville is proud to partner with Theater Works to develop this new music series in Uptown We'll need community support.
Page Links
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/news
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/bring-in-the-new-year-with-a-hike-at-the
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/a-local-blog-with-a-similar-mission-pro
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/well-said-and-offered
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/there-are-a-lot-of-good-folks-working-to
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/supporting-our-artisan-community-and-upt
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/jobs-are-available-here
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/plenty-of-cool-stuff-to-do-here
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/move-to-martinsville-supports-the-effort
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/consider-uptown-martinsville-for-that-id
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/we-look-forward-to-bringing-live-music-b
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/small-town-quality-of-life
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/of-all-of-the-cities-and-towns
- https://www.movetomartinsvilleva.com/article/move-to-martinsville-is-proud-to-partner