News Articles
Its great to see the entrepreneur spirit growing in our area
July 29, 2021
Its great to see the entrepreneur spirit growing in our area. And such a good addition to our community. Cheers! #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Right here in our beautiful back yard! There's plenty to do and enjoy here
July 29, 2021
Right here in our beautiful back yard! There's plenty to do and enjoy here. Congratulations to Primland Resort. #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
The Quality of Life offerings continue to grow here!
July 27, 2021
The Quality of Life offerings continue to grow here! #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Need a place to stay while checking out the area ...
July 21, 2021
Need a place to stay while checking out the area, check out one starling as part of the trip, in the heart of Uptown Martinsville.
There's No one here right now, but there will be
July 21, 2021
There's No one here right now, but there will be. Move to Martinsville hopes to help sponsor local events that draw folks to the area. Maybe you'd like to volunteer to tell our story to our guests Email us if you'd like to be on a volunteer list. Our address is: Movetomartinsvilleva@gmail.com
Yep, we have one of those
July 21, 2021
Yep, we have one of those. #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Maybe you'd like a night out at the ballpark
July 13, 2021
Maybe you'd like a night out at the ballpark. We've got that! And a great Boys and Girls Club Helping our youth. #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Yep! We have a lot of interesting things here
July 8, 2021
Yep! We have a lot of interesting things here. #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
There is plenty to do here!
July 6, 2021
There is plenty to do here! #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Maybe you like playing golf!? Chatmoss CC is another great asset in our area
July 2, 2021
Maybe you like playing golf!? Chatmoss CC is another great asset in our area.