News Articles
Another local event resource And a local asset; WHEE radio Keep them on your dial
July 29, 2023
Another local event resource And a local asset; WHEE radio Keep them on your dial. #MoveToMartinsville #martinsvillelife
"Papa" is playing at hamlet vineyard on wed, aug 16 for a dinner and show
July 28, 2023
"Papa" is playing at hamlet vineyard on wed, aug 16 for a dinner and show. Tickets at Hamletvineyards.com
A lot of folks have asked how to get the word a out about events
July 27, 2023
A lot of folks have asked how to get the word a out about events. The Bulletin is a resource The MHC Chamber, Henry County Enterprise newspaper, and visitmartinsville.com all maintain community event calendars. #movetomartinville #martinsvillelife
Plenty of opportunities to be with nature here
July 25, 2023
Plenty of opportunities to be with nature here. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
A nice tribute to a great civic leader and volunteer
July 24, 2023
A nice tribute to a great civic leader and volunteer. #MovetoMartinsville #martinsvillelife
MtM is supportive of our local non-profits
July 21, 2023
MtM is supportive of our local non-profits. They do great work to make our community better. Please Support their fundraisers. #MovetoMartinsville #martinsvillelife
This show is a MtM/ Music in the Box " pop-up" show
July 21, 2023
This show is a MtM/ Music in the Box " pop-up" show. We sponsor/produce these shows when there is a great opportunity to put on a community Quality of Life event and promote a local asset; Hamlet Vineyards
Move to Martinsville and Music in the Box presents New Orleans artist ...
July 18, 2023
Move to Martinsville and Music in the Box presents New Orleans artist, John "papa" Gros on his return to our area. Wed, Aug 16 at Hamlet Vineyards Advance tickets at Hamletvineyards.com
A nice addition to our beautification efforts in Uptown
July 18, 2023
A nice addition to our beautification efforts in Uptown. Move to Martinsville was happy to be a part of it. And the perfect recognition for a super community focused volunteer, Rob King #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
The dino fest is this week! This event is a huge regional draw for the area
July 17, 2023
The dino fest is this week! This event is a huge regional draw for the area. VMNH is a local/ regional/ national asset, and it's right here in Uptown! #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
The annual Dino Festival 2023 is back this weekend!
July 17, 2023
The annual Dino Festival 2023 is back this weekend! Fun for the whole family! #martinsvillelife #movetomartinsville
Let's have a party! Save the date and get your tickets early
July 17, 2023
Let's have a party! Save the date and get your tickets early.
Save the date Another great meet and greet event in Uptown
July 16, 2023
Save the date Another great meet and greet event in Uptown. There's a lot to do here! #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
Another meet and greet event
July 14, 2023
Another meet and greet event. Let's highlight an area asset, Hamlet Vineyards and enjoy some great Nola based music! Tickets available at Hamletvineyards.com #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
Another meet and greet opportunity for our young professionals
July 14, 2023
Another meet and greet opportunity for our young professionals. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
July 9, 2023
mARTinsville! Lets go inside the theatre for some local theatrical art #MovetoMartinsville #martinsvillelife
Now that's a meet and greet! Just another great summer night
July 8, 2023
Now that's a meet and greet! Just another great summer night. Glad to have been a part of it. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
A great evening of local baseball and a community Thank-You to our first responders
July 6, 2023
A great evening of local baseball and a community Thank-You to our first responders. Move to Martinsville is proud to be a sponsor. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
Natalie has it right!
July 6, 2023
Natalie has it right! We are proud of our community spirit And what she and her business have brought back to our community. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
Come out and support our Hometown Heroes tomorrow night at the Martinsville Mustangs game!
July 6, 2023
Come out and support our Hometown Heroes tomorrow night at the Martinsville Mustangs game! All local law enforcement, firefighters, EMT's, and health care workers receive FREE admission! A huge THANK YOU to all of the first responders! #martinsvillelife #movetomartinville Boys & Girls Clubs ...
A greet meet and greet event
July 5, 2023
A greet meet and greet event. #movetomartinsville #martinsvillelife
Fresh produce at the Uptown Farmer's Market!
July 5, 2023
Fresh produce at the Uptown Farmer's Market! #martinsvillelife #movetomartinville
A great meet and greet opportunity #movetomartinville #martinsvillelife
July 3, 2023
A great meet and greet opportunity #movetomartinville #martinsvillelife
The month of July is packed with summer fun!
July 1, 2023
The month of July is packed with summer fun! ☀️ #martinsvillelife #movetomartinsville
Expanding to Improve our area
July 1, 2023
Expanding to Improve our area. #MovetoMartinsville #martinsvillelife